How To Repair Water Supply Line Break


Having your water supply line is a terrible way to start the day and can cause flooding and water damage to your property. The first step in having your water supply line break is to shutoff water at a shutoff valve or at the meter to prevent flooding. There are several off-the-shelf solutions that can address water supply line breaks.

A copper pipe burst and leaking water

Where the Water Supply Line May Break

There are several locations where water supply lines may break: main water supply from the utility meter; inside walls and ceilings to fixtures; fixture supply lines.

Main water supply breaks that provide water your entire home can be caused by freezing temperatures or a tree root. It can be difficult to immediately tell where the water supply line broke but usual signs include wet or saturated spots in your lawn, spinning water meter, and low water pressure throughout your house. Fixing main supply water breaks might require the water utility company to shutoff water at the main. It is also best to call a licensed plumber to assess the replacement of the water supply pipe.

Breaks can happen due to an accident such as gardening

Water line breaks inside of walls and ceilings are frustrating as the water damage likely will affect multiple rooms and will require the removal and replacement of drywall. Signs in the wall water damage include stained spots on walls and ceilings, mold, and if severe, flooding.

Fixture supply line breaks are typically near sinks and faucets and occur when the seals or supply hose fails. As fixture supply lines are readily accessible, noticing the signs of the break are easy.

How to Repair the Water Supply Line Break

Repairing the water supply line break can range from a quick temporary fix or a professional reworking the damaged section of plumbing, depending on the severity and complexity of the break.

For fixture supply line breaks, replacing the connection hose can be done within a day and trip to the hardware store. It is important to shutoff the water to the fixture at the shutoff valve to remove the connection hose. Compare the connection hose to the options to find the correct replacement.

In-the-wall water supply line and main water supply line breaks most likely will require professional plumbing services to repair properly. There are emergency pipe repairs such as this repair wrap and pipe clamps that can be used to stop leaks but replacing the damaged section of pipe is the best solution.

Further Information

To learn more about pipe repairs and other information regarding all things kitchen and bath, check out other articles.